[[Documentation:What is MakeHuman?|What is MakeHuman?]]: A quick introduction to MakeHuman.
[[Documentation:Short and Long Pipeline|Short and Long Pipeline ]]: The goal of Makehuman is to see it used in 2 different professional pipelines.
[[Documentation:Professional mesh topology|Professional mesh topology ]]: An overview of the professional topology provided by MakeHuman
[[Documentation:Legal|Legal ]]: The various licenses that apply to MakeHuman and External tools
General overview
[[Documentation:Installing MakeHuman|Installing MakeHuman]]
[[Documentation:Running MakeHuman from source|Running MakeHuman from source]]
[[Documentation:Configuration and settings|Configuration and settings]]
[[Documentation:The interface and its basic functions|The interface and its basic functions]]
[[Documentation:The toolbar|The toolbar]]
[[Documentation:The tabs|The tabs]]
[[Documentation:The sliders|The sliders]]
[[Documentation:Loading and saving|Loading and saving]]
[[Documentation:Zoom, pan and rotate using the orbital camera|Zoom, pan and rotate using the orbital camera]]
Working with the human
[[Documentation:Gender, Random, Measure and Custom|Gender, Random, Measure and Custom]]
[[Documentation:Hairstyles and Clothes|Hairstyles and Clothes]]
[[Documentation:Modeling the body|Modeling the body]]
[[Documentation:Alternative topologies|Alternative topologies]]
[[Documentation:Skin and other materials|Skin and other materials]]
[[Documentation:Rendering your work|Rendering your work]]
Exporting your work to another application
[[Documentation:Exports and file formats|Exports and file formats]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for Blender and how to import them there|Saving models for Blender and how to import them there]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for Maya and how to import them there|Saving models for Maya and how to import them there]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for 3ds MAX and how to import them there|Saving models for 3ds MAX and how to import them there]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for Unreal Engine and how to import them there|Saving models for Unreal Engine and how to import them there]] / [[Documentation:MH4UE|MH4UE]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for Unity and how to import them there|Saving models for Unity and how to import them there]]
[[Documentation:Saving models for OpenSim / Second Life and how to import them there|Saving models for OpenSim / Second Life and how to import them there]]
Working with MakeHuman models in Blender
[[Documentation:Corrective shape keys|Corrective shape keys]]
[[Documentation:MHBlenderTools: MakeShapes|MakeShapes a tool for adding more MH shapes in blender]]
Downloading or creating new assets
[[Documentation:What is an asset?|What is an asset?]]
[[Documentation:Finding and downloading more assets|Finding and downloading more assets]]
[[Documentation:Getting and installing BlenderTools|Getting and installing BlenderTools]]
[[Documentation:MaterialsMakeSkin|Materials]] (Materials for clothes and other assets)
[[Documentation:Texture painting a skin in blender|Texture painting a skin in blender]]
MakeWalk: General Background
MakeWalk: In Depth Tutorials
[[Documentation:Running feet|Running feet]]
[[Documentation:Automatic animation|Automatic animation]]
[[Documentation:Asking for help|Asking for help]]
[[Documentation:Reporting a bug|Reporting a bug]]
MakeHuman for developers
[[Documentation: Plugin System|Plugin System]]
[[Documentation: OpenGL Notes|OpenGL Notes]]
[[Documentation: Basemesh|Basemesh and standard skeleton]]
[[Documentation: Directory structure and core modules|Directory structure and core modules]]
[[Documentation: File formats and extensions|File formats and extensions]]
[[Documentation: Libraries and build procedures|Libraries and build procedures]]
[[Documentation: Development infrastructure|Development infrastructure]]
[[Documentation: Application design and Code overview|Application design and Code overview]]
[[Documentation: Getting started with MakeHuman code|Getting started with MakeHuman code]]
[[Technical notes on MakeHuman]]
Other / unsorted
[[Documentation:Installing MHX2|Installing MHX2]]
[[Documentation:Planning on how to restructure the documentation]]
Old documentation
[[ Documentation:Collection of old documents|Previous versions of documentation]] are still available.