These are frequently asked question about MPFB.
- What does MPFB mean?
- Are you aware it also means…?
- What are the differences between MPFB2 and MakeHuman?
- What are the differences between MPFB1 and MPFB2?
- What are the differences between MPFB2 and MHX2?
Installation, backups and configuration
- How can I install MPFB2?
- Which configuration settings should I adjust?
- What do I need to do when upgrading from addon to extension?
- How can I create a backup of my user data?
Bugs, errors and problems
- How do I report a bug?
- How do I make sure I have the correct version installed?
- How can I provide more help with debugging?
- After changing a model slider, the clothes no longer fit
- Model sliders stops working when using a proxy
- Why is rendering/animation on eevee slow?
- Blender crashes with an error about bpy.ops.import_scene.obj missing