Where are my MakeHuman files found (where is my HOME directory)?


  • On windows, your files are usually in “MY DOCUMENTS”\makehuman\v1py3
  • On linux, your files are usually in “~/Documents/makehuman/v1py3” or “~/makehuman/v1py3”

The longer story, with special cases:

The [BASE] folder location for saving MakeHuman user data depends on your operating system (Windows, Linux, OSX, etc..). In the guide below, replace with your actual login name. Typically, your will be ‘c:\’ (without quotes) on Windows machines, and just plain “/” (without quotes) on Linux and Mac OSX. Take in account that your operating system might be case sensitive on filenames (Unix-like OSs !). In case of doubt use lower case directory names.

Here is the basic guide to finding the [BASE] folder on your operating system:

  • Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10: c:/Users/username/Documents/
  • Linux: /home/username/ or simply ~/ (in 1.2.0 alpha 2 and later, the base folder has been moved to /home/username/Documents)
  • Mac OSX: /Users/username/Documents/
  • MakeHumanPortable (all Windows versions): X:\PortableApps\MakeHumanPortable\AppData (where X: is the drive letter of your removable device)

Your BASE folder, by default, contains an “asset folder” called “makehuman” which will, in turn, contain a subfolder named ‘v1’ for MH version 1.X.X releases. The ./makehuman/v1/ subfolder contains a series of additional subfolders containing your personal MakeHuman asset files: backgrounds, cache, data, exports, grab, models, and render.

The ./models/ folder will contain the .mhm model files you “save”. The ./exports/ folder will contain the files you export in .dae (collada), .fbx, .mhx2, .obj, or .stl formats. The ./backgrounds/ folder is where you can place background reference images to use in model construction. The data folder, itself, contains many subfoders. The ./data/… subfolders are where you will find clothes and other proxy objects that you import using the asset manager.


  • On Windows systems, “Documents” is subject to internationalization.

For older/deprecated versions of Windows you may find the [BASE]/makehuman/v1/ subfolder here:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP and 2003: c:\Documents and Settings<username>
  • Microsoft Windows NT: \WINNT\Profiles<username>