
A set of beards and moustaches shared under CC-BY. Note that these end up as “clothes” in MPFB2: (12 mb)

Included assets

Asset type Thumbnail Asset name Author Source License
clothes culturalibre_dal_moustache.png culturalibre_dal_moustache.png culturalibre_dal_moustache culturalibre asset repo CC-BY
clothes elvs_scruffy_beard1.png elvs_scruffy_beard1.png elvs_scruffy_beard1 Elvaerwyn asset repo CC-BY
clothes grinsegold_full_beard.png grinsegold_full_beard.png grinsegold_full_beard grinsegold asset repo CC-BY
clothes grinsegold_moustache.png grinsegold_moustache.png grinsegold_moustache grinsegold asset repo CC-BY