
The MakeHuman community is centered around the MakeHuman core assets, the tools that operates on these and the user contributed assets that extends and enhances them.

For more information about how these parts relate to each other, see the ecosystem page.


The most salient parts of the community are the tools:

  • MakeHuman: A stand-alone GUI program for modeling 3d humans
  • MPFB: A blender add-on for modeling 3d humans

Both MakeHuman and MPFB are free and open source programs.

Core assets

The core assets consist of a base mesh, morphs, skins, alternative topologies and some sample clothes. See the concepts section for more information about these.

User contributed assets

There is also a large library with assets, such as clothes and hairstyles, contributed by users in the community. See the assets section for more information about these.